2010年7月23日 星期五

Metaphor In Interaction Design



2010年7月22日 星期四


⊙ 起源Original
⊙ 了解與知識 Understand / Knowledge
⊙ 文化發展(等級)Cultural Development (Rate)  ‘60s Post-WWII
⊙ 社會 /心理從歷史了解 Social / Psychological  History
⊙ 階段Period
⊙ Definitions
⊙ Characteristics
⊙ Direction:Future/ Past?
⊙ Past Influences
⊙ Diversity
⊙ Define Cultural Parameters
⊙ 現代理論的認識與理論基礎 Theoretical Understanding/ Grounding
⊙ 太平盛世的思考 Millenarian Thought
⊙ 間斷 Discontinuity
⊙ Sources of Inspiration (Individual)
⊙ 新一代論述 The New
⊙ Causes
⊙ Capitalism

2010年7月19日 星期一

我的Top 10 Pet Shop Boys愛歌

最愛專輯:Very (1993)
01. Liberation (from Very, 1993)
02. Suburbia (from Please, 1986)
03. Love Etc. (from Yes, 2009)
04. West End Girls (from Please, 1986)
05. Go West (from Very, 1993)
06. Did You See Me Coming? (from Yes, 2009)
07. Paninaro (from Please, 1986)
08. It Must Be Obvious (from Behavior, 1990)
09. What Have I Done to Deserve This? (from Actually, 1987)
10. Love Comes Quickly (from Please, 1986)

想想其實Pet Shop Boys我也寫了不少他們的專輯評論(嘿,想不到吧),甚至有關他們的一些逸聞也翻譯了部份文章,所以這兩位大哥在我個人的聆聽圈中也佔了一席之地。上面是我個人相當喜愛的歌曲,完全自由心證,也無關外界評價,所以這次他們來台,可以有些令人驚奇的表演嗎?相當令人期待!

寵物店男孩、強烈衝擊首度登台開唱TWinkle Rock Festival (轉載自金牌大風網站)

2010首屆「有象音樂祭TWinkle Rock Festival」今日正式公布第一波超強抵台名單,包括:07/28強烈衝擊樂團Massive Attack、07/29寵物店男孩Pet Shop Boys都將首度登台在南港展覽館開唱。
兩大天團日韓行程公佈之時,網路也開始有他們可能造訪台灣的各種傳聞,連續效應掀起在臉書、撲浪和PTT多個音樂版上的一股許願文狂潮。而當有象音樂祭TWinkle Rock Festival平地一聲雷,公佈首波名單時所有台灣樂迷莫不驚呼連連,直說這是今夏最驚喜震撼的大禮!!!“ 強烈衝擊樂團”與” 寵物店男孩” 一直是全球音樂圈、時尚界、媒體娛樂和設計圈人士都爭相膜拜的兩個英國超級天團,本次亞洲巡迴台灣都將是優先於韓國日本的第一站!此外,有別於傳統音樂季,本次演出將在台灣呈現的都是超過100分鐘以上的最完整大秀。(欲讀更多詳細資訊


◎ 強烈衝擊Massive Attack 全球官網 http://massiveattack.com/
◎ 寵物店男孩Pet Shop Boys全球官網 http://www.petshopboys.co.uk

Woodpigeon - Piano Pieces For Adult Beginners

Don't give anything away
Don't be shy, don't be late

Hold off, it's always best to wait
Another time, another place
Good things come to those who fake
Miss your chance, hesitate

Don't give anything away
Don't deny it never takes

Don't lie to me
You'll give away
Don't try to be
Something you ain't
I just want you to stay

Don't live any other way
Don't do pride, don't do fate

Hold on, it's always best to take
Another chance, another face
Good things come to those you hate
Take it back, it's your place

Don't live any other way
Don't be shy, don't be late

Don't lie to me
You'll give away
Don't try to be
Something you ain't
I just want you to stay

Don't lie to me
You'll give away
Don't try to be
Something you ain't
I just want you to know
I don't want you to go


在一次偶然機會聽到這首Woodpigeon - Piano Pieces For Adult Beginners,起初對它幾乎沒有任何印象,但開始仔細聆聽歌中含意時,才發現原來勵志歌曲也可以編成這樣,乾淨、單純卻充滿對剛準備步入社會新鮮人的期許與情感。或許這樣的歌曲才是台灣社會真正需要的吧。

James - Getting Away With It (All Messed Up)

Are you aching for the blade
That's o.k.
We're insured
Are you aching for the grave
That's o.k.
We're insured

We're getting away with it all messed up
Getting away with it all messed up
That's the living

Daniel's saving Grace
She's out in deep water
Hope he's a good swimmer

Daniel plays his ace
Deep inside his temple
He knows how to serve her

We're getting away with it all messed up
Getting away with it all messed up
That's the living

We're getting away with it all messed up
Getting away with it all messed up
That's the living

Daniel drinks his weight
Drinks like Richard Burton
Dance like John Travolta, now.

Daniel's saving Grace
He was all but drowning
Now they live like dolphins

We're getting away with it all messed up
Getting away with it all messed up
That's the living
We're getting away with it all messed up
Getting away with it all messed up
That's the living
Getting away with it
Getting away with it
That's the living
That's the living

