⊙ 起源Original
⊙ 了解與知識 Understand / Knowledge
⊙ 文化發展(等級)Cultural Development (Rate) ‘60s Post-WWII
⊙ 社會 /心理從歷史了解 Social / Psychological History
⊙ 階段Period
⊙ Definitions
⊙ Characteristics
⊙ Direction:Future/ Past?
⊙ Past Influences
⊙ Diversity
⊙ Define Cultural Parameters
⊙ 現代理論的認識與理論基礎 Theoretical Understanding/ Grounding
⊙ 太平盛世的思考 Millenarian Thought
⊙ 間斷 Discontinuity
⊙ Sources of Inspiration (Individual)
⊙ 新一代論述 The New
⊙ Causes
⊙ Capitalism
Go, Siren Go!!!!
[image: Silent Siren【S】WORLD TOUR 2016 in Taipei]
最美的風景偶爾還是可能會是人。今天不顧醫囑還是拄著枴杖去參加了 Silent Siren 的《【S】WORLD TOUR 2016 in
8 年前