過去對於The Jesus & Mary Chain並沒有太大的喜愛,想想主要的原因應該是他們就只有那張Psychocandy讓我喜歡而已,其他後來發行的幾張,往往讓我覺得有點失望吧。
不過最近在電視上重看Lost in Translation發現最後響起Just Like Honey這首曲子時其實是別有用意的,尤其當Bill Murray與那女孩吻別時,這首超迷幻的曲子便輕輕地在背景出現唱著「It's good, so good, it's so good, So good」時,相信許多熟知這首曲子的觀眾應該都看的酥軟了吧。而如果再去看看歌詞的話,或許第二段的詞意最能闡釋當時男主角的矛盾心情。
只是這首歌若聽完會發現整首歌詞有點詭異,或者說相當適合dominant/ slave的情色場景使用,知道我意思吧?如果你看完這整首歌詞的話。
Listen to the girl
As she takes on half the world
Moving up and so alive
In her honey dripping beehive
It's good, so good, it's so good
So good
Walking back to you
Is the hardest thing that
I can do
That I can do for you
For you
I'll be your plastic toy
I'll be your plastic toy
For you
Eating up the scum
Is the hardest thing for
Me to do
Just like honey (x 17)
PS: 這張原聲帶另外一首值得注意的歌曲
My Bloody Valentine
Song: Sometimes
Close my eyes
Feel me now
I don't know how you could not love me now
You will know, with her feet down to the ground
Over there, and I want true love to grow
You can't hide, oh no, from the way I feel
Turn my head
Into sound
I don't know when I lay down on the ground
You will find the __ __ hurts to love
Never cared, and the world turned hearts to love
We will see, oh now, in a day or two
You will wait
See me go
I don't care, when you're head turned __ _ __
You will wait, when I turn my eyes around
Overhead when I hold you next to me
Overhead, to know the way I see
Close my eyes
Feel me now
I don't know, maybe you could not hurt me now
Here alone, when I feel down too
Over there, when I await true love for you
You can hide, oh now, the way I do
You can see, oh now, oh the way I do
Go, Siren Go!!!!
[image: Silent Siren【S】WORLD TOUR 2016 in Taipei]
最美的風景偶爾還是可能會是人。今天不顧醫囑還是拄著枴杖去參加了 Silent Siren 的《【S】WORLD TOUR 2016 in
8 年前